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Protect your sexual preferences from data pimps

#StopDataPorn is a collective initiative calling on users and authorities to take immediate action and address the exploitative practices of porn platforms, like Pornhub.

On these kind of platforms user data violation is the norm and we demand true transparency on the traffic and respect for digital rights.

The platform also performs a biased data analysis of users’ sexual preferences that are then turned into corporate profit. We call this: data pornography.


  1. February 2024

    Our complaint in Cyrpus becomes part of a maxi-investigation of the Cypriot Privacy Commissioner

  2. July 2023


    Pornhub runs for cover and modifies its website

  3. June 2023

    Press Release

    Filed a GDPR compliant in Italy

  4. August 2022

    Filed a GDPR compliant in Cyprus, where Pornhub legal seat is located

  5. March 2022

    Filed a legal report in Italy (so called "Segnalazione" pursuant to art. 144 of the Italian Privacy Code) based on a three-year investigation conducted by

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